History of Júlia Mill

Júlia Malom Kft. (Júlia Mill) is a Hungarian-German family enterprise established by the cooperation of three experienced managers of the milling industry.

  • 2004 – Establishment of Júlia Malom Kft.
  • 2005 – Construction and commissioning of mill no. I. with a milling capacity of 220 tons of autumn wheat / 24 hours
  • 2006 – Construction and commissioning of mill no. II. with a milling capacity of 100 tons of durum wheat / 24 hours
  • 2007 – Improvement of the final product warehouse and commissioning of the automated bagging and stacking equipment
  • 2008 – Construction and commissioning of mill no. III. with a milling capacity of 250 tons of autumn wheat / 24 hours. This investment increased the milling capacity to 570 tons a day, so Júlia Malom Kft. became the highest capacity mill in Hungary.
  • 2014 – Extension of the flour silo
  • 2015 – Development of the office building and the laboratory
  • 2016 – Extension of the bagged flour warehouse and construction of a metal grain silo with a capacity of 20,000 tons

Until 1 January 2025, over 2.79 million tons of grain were milled since October 2005, when the first mill commenced its operation.

Our customers include a significant part of industrial manufacturers using flour and the traditional food manufacturers producing bakery products operating in Hungary or in Central and Eastern Europe.

daily capacity


processed grain quantity


average buyer number



All three mills were constructed as greenfield investments. During planning and construction, significant emphasis was put on compliance with the food safety and hygiene requirements.

The state-of-the-art technology of the industry is used together with the traditional milling processes satisfying the domestic requirements.

  • Mill no. I: 220 t / 24 hours, milling autumn wheat (Triticum Aestivum), commissioning in 2005, Italian GBS technology
  • Mill no. II: 100 t / 24 hours, milling durum wheat (Triticum Durum), commissioning in 2006, Swiss Bühler technology
  • Mill no. III: 250 t / 24 hours, milling autumn wheat (Triticum Aestivum), commissioning in 2008, Swiss Bühler technology

“Good cleaning is half the milling!”

The traditional phrase of millers is an eternal truth with an even more significant role in the increased food safety requirements of the modern age.

Accordingly, we also use the latest technologies in addition to the wheat cleaning equipment using traditional processes. As examples, these include the Bühler Sortex optical sorter, which can remove stones from other types of weed and can also remove wheat infested with fungi, or the Schule made Verticone scourer that removes the dirtiest outer shell from the wheat surface.

Mills are computer controlled, so one miller per shift can manage the whole production process.


Durum meals

  • durum semolina for the pasta industry (DTD)
  • durum flour (DSL)

Wheat meals

  • wheat flour for the pasta industry (BTL-50)
  • strong wheat flour (BFF-55)
  • fine wheat flour (BL-55)
  • wheat pizza flour (Tipo 00)
  • wheat flour (BL-65) for the baking industry
  • wheat flour (BL-65) for the biscuit and wafer industry
  • wheat bread flour, white (BL80)
  • wheat bread flour, half-and-half (BL-112)
  • wholegrain wheat flour (BTKL)
  • eating wheat germ
  • baking wheat bran

Rye flours

  • light rye flour (RL-90)
  • wholegrain rye flour (RTKL)

Spelt flours

  • white spelt flour (TBL-70)
  • wholegrain spelt flour (TBL-300)

Milling by-products

  • fodder meal
  • fodder wheat bran

Raw material purchase


  • purchase from the best wheat production regions of Hungary
  • farmers operating consistently for decades, cultivating according to high professional standards
  • before purchase, a sample is taken from every stock of wheat and tested in our laboratory
  • over 300 thousand tons of wheat is sampled and tested a year, and the appropriate raw material is chosen from this pool


  • Propagation of GK Bétadur durum wheat in a closed system with the supervision and management of the owner of the breed (Gabonakutató Intézet, Szeged) and its breeder, Dr Béla Deke.
  • Provision of seeds, concluding cultivation contracts
  • Based on the contracts made with the producers, the professionals of Júlia Malom Kft. continuously monitor the cultivation and provide professional advice to farmers.
  • After harvest, similarly to the purchase of autumn wheat, the durum wheat sampled, classified, sorted by quality and stored with the utmost care.


  • own fleet of seven modern tanker trucks for the transport of bulk flour
  • up to five different kinds of flour is supplied in one delivery, if required
  • bagged flour is transported by trucks equipped with tail lifts; loading is done according to the circumstances on site
  • professional transporter subcontractors
  • Packing:
    • flour and semolina products are in paper bags or paper sachets with pack units of 1, 5, 25, 50 kg.
    • wheat germ, bran for fodder and human consumption in round woven polypropylene bag with pack units of 25 and 30 kg.
    • the load is secured with shrinkwrap
    • big-bag packaging on individual request
  • Standard loads of packed goods:
    • 50 kg bags of flour, 1050 kg/EUR pallet
    • 25 kg bags of white wheat flours and durum semolina for pasta, 800 kg/EUR pallet
    • 25 kg bags of rye, spelt and wholegrain wheat flours, 600 kg/EUR pallet
    • 1 kg bags of flour type 55, 800 kg/EUR pallet
    • 5 kg bags of flour, 900 kg / EUR pallet
    • 25 kg-os PP bag products, 375 kg/EU pallet
    • 30 kg-os PP bag products, 450 kg/EU pallet

Quality assurance

The company has its own laboratory, which is one of the best-equipped laboratories even on international level.

Apart from the following standard tests:

  • moisture content,
  • mass per hectolitre,
  • mineral content (ash content),
  • wet gluten content,
  • gluten index,
  • falling number,
  • grain size,

the laboratory has equipment for numerous test methods, including the most accurate, internationally acknowledged machines in the field of rheology:

  • farinograph,
  • extensograph,
  • alveograph,
  • oven suitable for test bakes.

All these enable the precise determination of the parameters of the flour, so we can ensure consistent quality, thereby satisfying the individual requests of our customers.

Significant emphasis is put on food safety. By working together with an external accredited laboratory, the following is tested in accordance with the legal requirements:

  • microbiological parameters,
  • toxin content,
  • pesticides,
  • heavy metal content.

We have the necessary equipment for the ELISA method to measure DON toxin content, which is the highest risk in case of wheat, and this is controlled on a daily basis “from farm to fork”.


  • FSSC 22000 Quality Management System, which includes compliance with the MSZ EN ISO 22000:2005 standard
  • Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) Permit
  • Halal certificate



Csaba Bernáth, managing director
Mobile: +36 30 928 6261
Email: bernathcsaba@juliamalom.hu

Makai Béla, commercial representative
Mobile: +36 30 201 5512
Email: makaibela@juliamalom.hu

István Madai, commercial representative
Mobile: +36 30 956 7663
Email: madai.istvan@juliamalom.hu


Attila Csontos, managing director
Mobile: +36 30 953 5415
Email: csontosattila@juliamalom.hu

Csontos Károly, procurement and farming manager
Mobile: +36 30 955 7898
Email: csontoskaroly@juliamalom.hu

Mihály Berbekár, deputy manager for procurement and farming
Mobile: +36 30 963 0852
Email: berbekar@juliamalom.hu



Júlia Malom Kft.

6115 Kunszállás

Malom út 1.

Phone: +36-76/587-660

Fax: +36-76/587-659

E-mail: juliamalom@juliamalom.hu